Serving the community of Poinciana, Florida

Come out on Veterans Day and honor those whom have served us and this great nation.

October 27, 2023

The Association of Poinciana Villages will be hosting an event honoring all whom have served this great nation within the armed forces. APV's Veterns' Day Ceremony is on Wednesday, November 8th. The ceremony will be located at The Poinciana Veteran Memorial Park on 401 Walnut Street.

Activities wil begin at 11 am. The Polk County Sheriff Honor Guard will be preforming, presenting the colors. Other activites include guest speakers, as well as, a free picnic lunch. Lunch will be served by the staff at The Association of Poinciana Villages to all in attendance. There will also be a special presentation to all the veterans who are there. Come out and honor those who have and are serving America this Veterans' Day.

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