Serving the community of Poinciana, Florida

New 4-way Stop coming to Laurel and San Miguel starting Sept 14th

September 8, 2023 Updated: Sept 14, 2023

The county will be adding new 4 way stop signs to the intersection of Laurel and San Miguel.  Currently the intersection is only a stop for those traveling on Laurel. Soon, starting Sept. 14th, the intersection with be a stop for everyone including those traveling on San Miguel. In response to some tragic events at the intersection, this step helps to reduce the number of incidents that could occure in the future. Nearby homeowners welcome the change, and encourage safe driving. Some are asking for the county to do more, there has been a site set up for the local community to endorce. They are requesting a traffic light be installed at the intersection. See the site by clicking here. There is also a page on GoFundMe for the family of the recent events. See the site by clicking here.

UPDATE Sept 11, 2023

The county has installed new speed and traffic trackers on the roads leading to the intersection of Laruel and San Migual. See the new picture below.

UPDATE Sept 14, 2023

The county has installed the new 4-way stop at the intersection today. All traffic must com to a full stop before proceeding. As of now, the speed and traffic trackers are still in place. See new pictures below.