Serving the community of Poinciana, Florida

Polk County Sheriff's Office wars Kia and Hyundai owners about potential theft.

September 13, 2023

Polk County Sheriff's Office has released a statement about car theft in Polk County. 

The following message is especially for Kia and Hyundai car owners. And if you know someone who owns a Kia or Hyundai, please share this information with them!

Over the past year, there has been an increase here in Polk County and across the nation, with thefts of certain Kia and Hyundai vehicles. The reason is a flaw with various models of these two brands that are made without a push-button ignition or an immobilizer device that prevents the vehicle from moving without a key fob.

These flaws have been exploited on social media which has led to the increase in thefts.

Both Hyundai and Kia have created software for their vehicles that will fix the flaw, and the manufacturers have been reaching out to owners of these vehicles to let them know that it is available at no cost.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is urging anyone with these vehicles who has not received a notice in the mail, to contact Hyundai (toll-free at 800-633-5151) or Kia (toll-free at 800-333-4542) for information on the FREE update.

One more suggestion: Consider purchasing a steering wheel lock (eg: The Club) which can easily be secured on your steering wheel. Not only will it lock the steering wheel in place, it can also be very visible, thereby deterring would-be car thieves from even messing with your vehicle.