Serving the community of Poinciana, Florida

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Premium Sponsorship

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Premier Sponsorship

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Level up your online presence in the Poinciana area with Premier Sponsorship on Poinciana News. We are offering you the opportunity to be the main sponsor of Poinciana News. Your advertisement at the top of every page on the site. That means your logo and link back to your content will be seen first every time a page is viewed on Poinciana News.


Premier Sponsorship includes:

Your Logo and a link to your site at the top of every page on the site. 1260 x 400 pixels.

You can change the image and link as often as you need.

No Setup Charges for artwork.

The premier sponsorship can be modified to meet your needs and multiple months can be applied. Thirty-day time period starts from the first day the ad appears on our site. 


Need more information? Email

This package is sold in one month blocks. You can select multiple months by increasing the number of units. Orders will be processed in the order in which they are received.


After payment is received you will be contacted by our staff so we can gather the information and artwork needed to put your Ad on the site.